Exploring Spiritual Dimensions of Authentic Movement and Body-Mind Centering®: with Alton Wasson and Mandoline Whittlesey
October 26th to 30th, 2014
Ardèche, France
In this workshop, Alton Wasson and Mandoline Whittlesey will provide a framework for practicing Authentic Movement (AM) and experiencing the body from the viewpoint of Body-Mind Centering® (BMC). Together, we will inquire into the ways we create meaning, individually and collectively exploring the question:
In what ways do we experience a spiritual dimension –whether secular, religious or philosophical– within contemplative and somatic movement practices?
We will spend several hours each day working with AM and BMC as a group. There will also be time for organized and informal dialogue to explore this investigation, together and alone.
This residential workshop is open to any person with prior in-depth practice of either AM or BMC. Our dialogue will be based on each person’s personal experience. Several years’ experience with either practice is preferred, but at least a week-long intensive is required.
For more information about the workshop contact Mandoline mandolinew@yahoo.com or Alton altonwasson@comcast.net.
To register in English, email Alton Wasson.
To register in French email Mandoline Whittlesey.
For more informations about Authentic Movement / Contemplative Dance go to contemplativedance.org.
For more information about Body-Mind Centering go to bodymindcentering.com
Alton Wasson graduated from Yale Divinity School (MDiv, STM) and has been a chaplain at Yale, a professor of Religion and Humanistic Psychology at Prescott College, and a faculty member of the Center for Depth Psychology and Jungian Studies. He was introduced to Mary Whitehouse’s work in 1969 by Ed Maupin. He continued exploring this work with Janet Adler and Edith Sullwold. He has published essays in A Moving Journal, Contact Quarterly (Vol. 27/2), and Volume II of Authentic Movement (Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2007). He taught Contemplative Dance/Authentic Movement at the first World Somatics Congress. He has been a consultant to corporations and educational institutions on issues of diversity and holistic education. He led weekly “process and integration” groups in AM for students as part of a BMC year-long residential program faculty. He currently co-directs Contemplative Dance Workshops and Trainings in Authentic Movement and has a private practice in Williamsburg MA. He also leads trips honoring the spirit of place in Italy, Greece and on river trips through the Grand Canyon.
altonwasson.com ( See the blog for articles about Contemplative Dance/Authentic Movement)
contemplativedance.org (for other Contemplative Dance / Authentic Movement offerings)
Mandoline Whittlesey is a certified practitioner of Body-Mind Centering®, certified practitioner of body-based psychotherapy (Somatosynthèse®) and teacher of Authentic Movement and embodied writing. She first practised Authentic Movement in 1999 at Oberlin College, deepened her understanding of the work with Andrea Olsen and several teachers (USA/Europe), and is currently engaged in a yearly practice group with Janet Adler. Mandoline directs and teaches an annual Authentic Movement training program in France, working with groups, individuals and institutions.
Based in Paris, deeply passionate about transformation and creative process, she taught contact improvisation and performed (contemporary dance/improvisation) for thirteen years in North America and Europe, and developed courses in women’s anatomy, physiology and health. Poems of hers have appeared in Mid-American Review, Blue Barnhouse Books and the Bastille and she is currently working on her first book-length publication addressing somatic movement education, language and meaning.
mandolinewhittlesey.blogspot.com (For registration and information in French)
Arrivals: Saturday, October 25th
Workshop: Sunday 26th to Thursday 30th.
Departures: Friday 31th
The Domaine du Taillé, nestled in the forest of the Ardèche hills, is a beautiful retreat center perfectly suited for rest, contemplation and connecting to nature. http://www.domainedutaille.com/
Lunch and evening meals will be provided. Participants are expected to bring their own breakfast ingredients (international guests can be assisted with this), and to help in the kitchen one evening during the week.
Easy access from the Valence train station (connections from Paris, Marseille and Lyon airports). We will organize carpooling with French participants from the train stations, and there is also a bus from Valence to the retreat center.
Tuition: 390 euros
Room and board: 280 euros